Sunday 19 May 2013

Good times

Good times.  Back from a week de-stressing in Portugal.  Signing lease on Courtyard Studio tomorrow at 4pm.  Landlord has confirmed that the partitioning has been done for the studio..:) can't wait to see it in the morning....

Saturday 11 May 2013

Courtyard Studio

Well it's been an eventful week for us.  On Monday the landlord of our new 900 sq ft studio unit emailed to say that we could pick the keys up and start moving stuff in.  This is a really exciting time for us as the unit is on a farm (Dovers Farm Reigate) and most of the outbuildings have been converted into business units which are well known in the local area.  This units get snapped up fast and we feel extremely lucky to have secured one.

We went up there straight away and picked them up, then hired a van to start moving all the stuff.

There is going to be two businesses running out of the unit.  Graham Jackson Photography and my other half Zoe and her business Tread The Boards Surrey Costume Hire

Took some shots immediately before we start moving stuff in.

View from entrance door.

This will be Zoe's workroom

View towards entrance

Left hand door Ladies toilet, centre is small kitchenette and righthand is Gents toilet

Partition will be built here hopefully Monday which will create a 5m x 3.3m studio and a storage area for Zoe's costumes.  

Tuesday we started in ernest moving in hundreds of costumes and boxes and studio equipment. Had to make sure we left enough space for the workmen who are installing the partition can work unhindered.

We finally managed to finish the moving by Friday and as we are going away to Portugal for a week on Sunday we are hopeful that when we return next Sunday we will be refreshed and de-stressed and ready to knuckle down and the partitioning will be complete.

Zoe made use of the unit today for a fitting with some actors who a doing a play soon.

As the day was lovely yesterday I managed to get some shots of the outside area. 

The tree lined drive up to the Business Centre.
Lovely farmland for location shoots.
The main and visitors carpark.

Our unit with the black car outside.

Wider view of the Courtyard.

Here are a couple of shots of the inside with most of the stuff in.  We are unable to do much with it as we need the partition and storage area done so we can then sort out where it's going.  But at least it's now in there.

Studio area will be where the large octabox is. The sofa and coffee table will be moved to outside the workroom and there will be a reception desk in it's place.

What will be the reception area.

Most of Tread the Boards costumes.  These will move into the storage area and the sofa and coffee table will then go here.

Zoe's workroom crammed full.

Once we are back from Portugal we will be getting ready to fully open and will be having an open day and some exciting new services and packages.  Keep an eye out as they will be posted.

For information the address is:

Courtyard Studios
Unit E
The Courtyard Business Centre
Dovers Farm
Lonesome Lane